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  • March 05, 2025 2 min read

    Last season the shamrock pin was created by one of our team members. Maybe it came out late or we didn't promote it that much so sales were light. This year is another story. 
    We have been making them for about a month now and we figure about 300 have been tied and sold so far and its only March 5!

    Shamrock Pin Mystic Knotwork
    They are 3 heart knots attached together with a stem added and a pin securely glued to the back.

    Shamrock Pin Mystic Knotwork

    Shamrock Pin Mystic Knotwork
    Shamrock Pin Mystic Knotwork
    Heart knots, the stem and pin all lined up and ready for assembly.

    Shamrock Pin Mystic Knotwork
    Jill took her usual nautical knotty photos with the Mystic drawbridge in the background. It's the perfect photo set for us. She also made some videos and shorts, added them to our Youtube page and soon people started calling to get in line for their pins.
    Shamrock Pin Mystic Knotwork
    A days work here.
    On top of a navy trivet.

    Progress and tools of the trade.

    They are so cute and the shamrock frenzy started last year when Asa came into the shop one day and asked if we had a shamrock pin. Cynthia figured it out and made him one. Thanks Asa!

    The shamrock pin queen and her story below.

    The Story of the Shamrock Pin

    "There is a sweet, elderly gentleman, a local, and he's one of our biggest fans. He frequently comes in for a visit, chit chats, and occasionally buys something.

    Last year, the day before St Paddy's Day, he came in. He was hoping for a shamrock lapel pin. No such product existed yet, but I got to thinking. I took his number and decided to brainstorm. I came up with a design.

    The celtic heart knot is one of my favorites. I tried to do a four leaf clover with them, but the hearts are just a bit too wide for that. Three would have to do. He was thrilled and so was I.

    My boss posted the picture of his smiling face wearing it and she got a bunch of comments asking to purchase one. Needless to say, I made a ton over the next couple weeks. I thought they would just be a seasonal project, but I've been making them all year long. Only, not in insane quantities until this past week.

    It was almost the holiday so my boss let me know she was about to post them to our social media. At the moment, I was the only one who made them in the shop.

    People started asking about ordering them immediately. My boss kept updating me to let me know how many were being ordered until I saw her a couple days later and she said she had 150 interested customers. 

    Needless to say, I've made at least 300 of them in the last month and the orders keep coming. Luckily, I'm not the only one tying them now. "

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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